
"Whiskey got stung by a wasp not 1 but 2 Times... I used the Hemp first aid and itch relief spray and 😳 OMG it went down so much within about 30 minutes and was completely gone within 2 days!!"


Daisy Fishler

"I fell in love with Pain Relief and Skin Conditioning Cream. I developed blisters on the back of my feet from my shoes rubbing and they were very painful. I put the cream on them and the pain was gone instantly. They are now healed."


Emily Lynn Fishler

Emily Lynn Fishler"The products are not only amazing for me but for my dog. The first aid spray helps when having a bug bite or a sunburn. Definitely a summer must have! The pain from the sunburn is gone within a few hours with the soothing help of the first aid spray.
The massage oil is great for my dog's dry skin! Nothing seemed to help her but the oil and now her skin doesn't seem to dry out as bad with the help of the massage oil. All of the products are super amazing! The owners are very knowledgeable in all of their products and have great tips for them! "
